MIDlet-Name: CardGames MIDlet-Version: 0.0.4 MIDlet-Vendor: Hands-On MIDlet-Jar-URL: MIDlet-Jar-Size: 196786 MIDlet-1: CardGames, /icon.png, CardGames MIDlet-Icon: /icon.png MIDlet-Data-Size: 4096 Nokia-MIDlet-Category: Game MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.1 MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0 HO-Demo: 73305CP HO-Demotext-en-GB: Thank you for playing this demo.||Would you like to buy the full version? This will exit the application. HO-Demotext-fr-FR: Thank you for playing this demo.||Would you like to buy the full version? This will exit the application. HO-Demotext-de-DE: Thank you for playing this demo.||Would you like to buy the full version? This will exit the application. HO-Demotext-it-IT: Thank you for playing this demo.||Would you like to buy the full version? This will exit the application. HO-Demotext-es-ES: Thank you for playing this demo.||Would you like to buy the full version? This will exit the application. HO-BuySetup: off